How to build trust in a relationship

Trust is an important factor in any relationship. Without trust no relation will survive. Read on and learn how to build trust in a relationship.

Shubh promised Avani to accompany her to the city mall to buy some upholstery like curtains, pillows and furniture for their new home. Shubh called her on the eleventh hour and told her about the changes in the plan. He said he was with his boss and they had very important work to finish. Avani lost her head when she saw him with his friends outside the movie hall which was showing the latest released Hollywood blockbuster.

When someone breaks your trust it is hard to believe in them again. Relationships go upside down when faith goes away. Faith has the capacity to move mountains. Trust is what makes a relationship meaningful. Keep intact the trust and make life less complicated. It is not hard to build a foundation of trust.

Be honest

Honesty is the best policy. A relationship blossoms if both partners are honest towards each other. Being honest makes the other person trust you. Dishonesty can be harmful for any relationship. It is true that you will take time to build the trust but it is not worth to lose trust with one mistake. What is the use of being in a relationship if you cannot devote to it sincerely?

Never lie

'Please do not lie to me, unless you are absolutely sure I will never find out the truth,' the well known quote will make you think. Being truthful is like climbing the first step of the ladder called 'trust'. A lie is hard to find out but once it is out in the open, the relationship will suffer. Telling your spouse that you are in a meeting when you are actually in the bar with friends is like betraying the trust. Even the smallest lie can devastate a relationship.

Keep your promises

If you have given a word to your girlfriend that you will meet her on the weekend, keep your word. If you have promised your husband that you will accompany him to his friend's party, do not step back. Keeping your promises will make your partner believe in you. Your dear one will trust you for the rest of his or her life.

Show that you care

Faith will go deeper and deeper if you really care for the other person. Do you regularly ask your wife whether she had her lunch properly at her work place? How often do you plan a romantic date for your girlfriend? Care can be exhibited through words, emotions and gestures. Trust is a greater emotion than love. If trust is there love will follow.

Be responsible

Relationship is a sweet responsibility. A trustworthy partner is always responsible for his or her behavior. Be responsible for your actions. If your relationship is not sailing smooth, it is your responsibility to do something about it. Talk to each other and face the adversities together. Your romantic life will be awesome if you have faith in each other. Being responsible is an important aspect of developing trust.

Tips to build trust in a relationship

Believing in oneself is the key to build trust. Unless you have confidence in yourself, it is hard to trust anyone else. Distrust can break relationships. Trust is the backbone of the eternal love. Here are few things you should keep in mind to make your relationship work.
  • Be a good listener. Lend an ear to your partner carefully when he or she speaks.

  • Avoid disappointing your partner by breaking promises.

  • Communication is the key. Make your expectations clear to your partner and know his or hers.

  • Respect your partner. Respecting each other is necessary to build trust in a relationship.

  • Avoid betraying your partner's trust by exposing his or her secrets to someone else.

  • If you have hurt your partner's feelings, go and say sorry. Apologising will make them to keep faith in you.

  • Appreciate good qualities and compliment your partner often.

  • Be reliable. Being reliable will make your partner bank upon you.

  • Be sure that you share your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams and your aspirations with your partner.

  • Let your partner know what you did through out the day. Let him or her know that you got a call from an old friend even if it is insignificant.

  • Avoid keeping secrets from your partner.

  • Learn to forgive and forget. Forgiveness has the power to mend even the trickiest of situations.

  • Let your actions match your words

Learning to trust and building trust are two sides of the same coin. Someone has said, 'You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough.' You have chosen your partner as your soul mate as you have faith in him or her. Let your sweetheart know how much you trust and how much you care. Keep the spark of love alive forever.

How important is having trust in a relationship? Has anyone betrayed your trust ever? What do you do to build trust in any relationship? To share your views and experiences,click here.