Types of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious concern in our society. Read about the different ways in which a person may be abused.

Sanjana had only been married for six months when her husband started harassing her. He would make fun of her clothes, appearance, and friends. Gradually, he started telling her she was ugly and that he had been a fool to marry her. It got to a point where she began to hate herself. When she finally gathered up the courage to tell one of her close friends about it, she was shocked to realise that she was being abused. Today, she is separated from her husband and undergoes regular counselling sessions to help her deal with the trauma.

Violence in a Relationship

Domestic violence is not only about physical injury to a spouse or partner. The physical aspect is just one type of violent behaviour that an individual encounters. The primary aim of an abuser is to dominate his victim. He will seek to accomplish this in whatever way possible. Therefore, domestic violence can also be emotional, sexual, financial, etc. in nature.

Physical Abuse

Domestic violence is usually synonymous with physical abuse because it is the most common form of violence. It is also the most obvious. In this case, the abuser physically attacks his spouse or partner from time to time. This kind of abuse also builds up over time. What initially starts as slapping and punching may escalate into a situation where there is a threat to the victim's life.

Physical abuse also involves behaviour like grabbing, kicking, choking, pinching, and throwing things. An attacker may also be inclined to use weapons to assault his spouse. It is common for an abuser to cause irreparable damage or kill his victims in a fit of rage if the violence in the relationship is allowed to go unchecked.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse is another way for an abuser to gain control over his victim. The abuser may indulge in verbal abuse such as name calling, shouting, shaming, and blaming the victim for something she did not do. The non-verbal aspect involves isolation, humiliation, intimidation, etc. The abuser aims to make his partner lose her independence and self-esteem. This makes the victim unable to leave the relationship because she feels she cannot live without her abuser.

Emotional abuse is dangerous because it can go undetected for a long time. Since most of the abusive behaviour happens at home, detection depends on the victim coming forward or confiding in someone. In addition, victims of this type of abuse often do not even realise that abuse is taking place.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse refers to a situation in which one partner is forced to take part in unwanted, unsafe, or degrading sexual activity. Sexual abuse is considered the hidden form of abuse since victims rarely speak up. This type of abuse is common in relationships where a partner is also being physically abused. According to the National Coalition against Domestic Violence in America, nearly half of physically abused victims reported being raped at least once during the relationship.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse may also be a part of the abusive behaviour pattern. In this type of abuse, the abuser retains control of the entire financial situation in the household. The abuser will often give the victim a small amount of money as an allowance and make her account for the entire amount. At times, he may refuse to give his partner any money at all. This could eventually lead to a stage where the abuser denies his victim necessities like food, clothing, shelter, and medical aid.

Financial abuse also encompasses those cases where a partner is prevented from working or the abuser constantly tries to sabotage her career. Abusers may even steal money from their victim's accounts or use assets of the victim without her consent. All the money obtained is used solely by the abuser.

Domestic abuse can affect people of any caste, religion, and financial background. A victim should immediately contact the authorities to prevent further harm to herself and her family.

Do you feel domestic violence is a big problem in our society? How effective do you feel are the laws in curbing this menace? Have you heard of any other forms of abuse? To share your views and experiences, click here.