Happily Married

If you want to be happily married, make an effort. If you don't make an effort you may find yourself in a mediocre relationship. Read on.

After marriage, not a lot of communication happens at home. So although the two of you may be home together a lot, one may be busy watching television, working, surfing the net or reading the newspaper, while the other may be busy with the children, finishing off chores, cooking and so on. If one of you is constantly working, grumbling about it and nagging him or her to spend more time at home is not going to work. Instead, get proactive.

How often do you spend your weekends working? At times, you don't have a choice. Some jobs just do require more time than others. But in such situations it becomes necessary to consciously take time out to spend together as a couple, else it's not going to happen and your marriage is going to deteriorate.


To revive your relationship, it helps for you to 'date' each other every now and again. If you like watching movies, fix up a plan to watch a movie or play together. You could have dinner out and then go for a late night show. Although you could fix up with friends too, every once in a while make plans for just the two of you, so you can have an evening out bonding with each other.


Lunch often works out to be convenient for all, so make plans to meet for lunch around once or twice a month, in the middle of the week. Even if the two of you are swamped with work, you have to eat. Fix up for lunch on a relatively less busy day of the week so you can catch up with each other and spend some time enjoying good food in a good ambience.


A great way to bond is to go for short walks after dinner. Not only will this help you digest the food you've eaten, but it is also a good habit to get into. (Who hasn't heard the phrase 'After dinner, walk a while…'?) In addition, you will have a chance to discuss the day's events with each other.


If you leave sex for when it happens, if it happens and if it is spontaneous, you may as well kiss your sex life goodbye after a few years - or even sooner. If you lead busy lives with stressful careers, you're not going to be in the mood very often. Sometimes you just need to forge ahead as planned! Help get your spouse into the mood by using soft lighting that night, wearing sexy lingerie and smelling good. Don't forget to put on romantic music. Start off by massaging each other or by getting into a steamy hot tub. Could there be a more relaxing way to turn each other on?


Take up at least one activity that the two of you can do together. It could be a sport like golf or tennis, or it could be a hobby like gardening.