Love and Marriage

Go together like a horse and carriage or at least, they should. Here's how to keep the spark alive.

When the two of you were dating, do you remember how every moment without your other half seemed like forever When you would wait endlessly on tenterhooks for that phone to ring And how the thought of seeing your love again would make you shake with anticipation Whatever happened to that wonderful courtship period that seemed like it was going to last forever

Here's what happened

You got married, children came along, and you took on the responsibility of running a household and a family - Who had the time, or the inclination to indulge in romance? Other issues were given top priority and your love life was delegated to the bedroom, two nights a week -- if you were lucky.

Keep the fire burning

A great marriage doesn't just happen automatically. Ever look at couples who seem so incredibly in love that they glow when they're together, and wonder how they do it? They work at it.

Here are some tips to get you started, and put you back on the road to romance:

Marriage DON'TS