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Learn the Languages of Love

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According to Gary Chapman (an American author), there are five languages of love. Understanding these love languages can help an individual to attain real happiness and success in life. The following article is based on his book ‘The Five Love Languages’. Read on to learn more about the languages of love.

What is love? Love comes in a life of an individual in different forms. It can be brought in an individual’s life by many different individuals. Love can completely change the life of an individual. It is a very strong and beautiful emotion which an individual can experience several times in life.

The feeling of love in the life of an individual is validated by different people whom he or she comes in contact with in his or her daily life. It can be his or her mother, father, sibling, colleague, relative or a friend. To keep the spark of love alive in life it is necessary for a person to understand the languages of love. Are you aware of the languages of love?

The Five Languages of Love

Listed below are the five languages of love which an individual must understand.

1) Words of Affirmation

The words of affirmation are one of the love languages that can help to build stronger relationships. Individuals feel loved when they hear words of encouragement or appreciation. They may also experience the strong emotion of being loved and accepted when someone listens to them actively or empathizes with them. When you realize that the language of love of a particular person is affirmation, you can show that you love him or her through this language. You can praise the individual genuinely; you can write a note or send a text message, you can spend time genuinely talking to the person or you can use your own creative instincts to win over the heart of a person.

2) Physical Touch

Physical touch is the language that helps to make an individual feel loved through different gestures, touch and body languages. Different gestures like hugging, kissing, shaking hands, touching, patting etc; can be used to express love for an individual. This language of love can be used for individuals who like to feel the love and warmth through physical touch.

3) Receiving Gifts

Receiving gifts makes a person feel important. It stimulates a sense of being special in someone’s life in an individual. On receiving a thoughtful gift a sense of gratitude can be invoked in a person by the giver. When gratitude is invoked in an individual he or she automatically starts valuing the giver of the gifts. Although, receiving gifts is one of the love languages, it is necessary for a giver of the gift to understand that he or she gives the gift not just for the name sake but with the true feeling of love.

4) Quality Time

Some individuals consider spending quality time as one of the most important factors for gaining success in love life. Such individuals feel that it is important to have continuous and mindful conversation with each other. Such individuals give importance to spending one-on-one time. For loving such individuals it is necessary to spend quality time with them.

5) Acts of Service

For the individuals whose language of love is acts of service find actions more appealing than words. For them actions speak louder than words. Such individuals feel loved and accepted when you help them. When they see an individual going out of his or her way to help them with a kind heart, they feel assured that the individual deeply and truly loves them. So, if the language of love of the person whom you love is acts of service, you must help him or her with daily chores; prepare breakfast for him or her. Do something so that his or her daily workload is reduced.

So, if you understand the language of love for the people in your life or the new people that you meet, you can surely develop a lasting relationship with them. And lasting relationships are the key to a happy and successful life.

Which are the 5 languages of love? Why is it important to understand the languages of love? How can understanding the language of love help you to be successful and happy in life? Discuss here.

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